Even though the pandemic is not over, we thought we would start sending a Monthly Calendar again. At this time, and until further notice, we are still limited to 15 people in attendance at any of our services. This is usually not a problem for Vespers on Wednesdays or the Akathist Service on the second Saturday of the month. For Sunday Services, you still need to email Fr. Gregory at FGRogers@aol.com to let him know you would like to attend. You are strongly encouraged to do this, especially if you haven’t attended in a while. Many of the people who have attended several of the recent services are more than willing to stay at home so that others may attend in person. So please let Fr. Gregory know if you want to attend and he will coordinate the attendees. We will continue to Live Sream all of our services on our Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/St-Barnabas-Orthodox-Church-111445435557141

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