Note: This service was postponed from last week due to COVID concerns.
Our REVISED January 2021 Calendar
Please click on the calendar for a downloadable/printable PDF.
Orthros/Divine Liturgy, January 10, 2021 - The Sunday After the Theophany of Christ
Our YouTube Channel
St. Barnabas now has a YouTube Channel! The video of this past Sunday’s services has been uploaded. The video was downloaded from our Facebook livestream and uploaded to YouTube. This will give those who are not on Facebook easy access to our videos.
We invite you to subscribe to our channel. If you already have a Gmail account just login to YouTube with those credentials and you will be able to subscribe and Like our videos. If you don’t have an account it’s very easy to open one.
Thanks and God Bless!
You can view our channel here:
Christmas Week Schedule
Vespers on Wednesday, December 23 has been cancelled.
We will celebrate a Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Nativity on Christmas Morning, December 25 at 10AM. We will not have Orthros/Matins on this day.
The Liturgy will be live streamed on our Facebook at: